
80’s haircuts-Not

The 80’s (and 90’s) are back in a big way.  While I am very happy about that, as I enjoy pointy toed shoes and punk paraphernalia, this trend was meant to be mixed in with some moderness, not go all the way into the deep end.  That said, lose the 80’s cuts people. I know Keri Hilson is very pretty and somewhat talented, but when she looks back on her career and remembers she had a mullet for this crucial time in her life, she is going to regret it. So don’t go to the barber shop or beauty salon and ask for something you will regret as well.  There is a reason you don’t see the models of fashion week rocking and eighty’s cut (maybe the occasional side pony tail but that’s it) because it whack. So stop it. Now!  -ky