
So Kanye Has Blessed The Pheasants With A Price


I don’t know whom to be more upset with as far as sneakers go, Kanye West or Michael Jordan the two share the title of the most over-hyped over-priced sneakers Out there, I actually had respect for the Nike Yeezy’s, but they created very limited pairs  and with that a greater demand. His previous offerings go for three grand and up. Now he wants you to pay $100 more for these Adidas, and that is not a knock on Adidas as it is on high fashion, here is why I am not impressed. during his sneaker hiatus when he tried to break into fashion by way of money, he called us all slaves to high fashion. Now he releases a Clone of sorts under another brand  charges you more but its okay because he is who he is. As Adidas go these are a fresh new step in fashion, the sole is fantastically interesting, the boot like opening and interesting lace up, scream attention I Just don’t see $350, and maybe because of who he is. You can’t bully your way thru music and fashion, I give you musical genius, creative bastard, but lose the auto-tune and work with Twista, Common, and Consequence again. I am not truly certain on your input with Nike and why things went south, true your kicks are way above just mentionable but I’m not on your label Good Music (whom by the way have their pairs for free) I am a hardworking sneaker collector. One who thinks Jordans aren’t collectors items because they come out every month in a new color like every other Nike Air Max or Air Force One I have De La’s, DJ AM and Coraline dunks those are rare and at launch no more than $150 each. I don’t know maybe I’m crazy maybe too much Public Enemy but I won’t believe the hype. ~Vonte

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A message to Jermey Scott and Adidas

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STOP,  or at least slow it down.  Five years ago when the collection launched you had me, it was the coolest and most original sneaker collaborations since Yamamoto and Adidas at a time when no major brands had anything new you constantly stepped up to the plate.  But your killing it now going too far its like there are so many wings and teddy bears out there that you can’t tell real from fake and house shoes from sneakers. Had to be the first pair of Teddy’s where I looked at the line like “Jeremy must be bored”, but yet the shoes kept coming.  I applaud your creativity just want you to hit the pause button, maybe it just to much of a good thing, with the exception of a few pair of Wings in my opinion  the others are kinda trashy,  that may sound harsh but I’ve seen people actually try to wear these and it just doesn’t work. -Vonte