michael brown

White privilege, and what it really is.

No justice, no piece. “Racism isn’t getting worse, its just getting filmed” and well we tried kneeling but you said it was offensive.

Just some recent things on my timeline I feel say everything. White privilege is being able to talk back to and confront the police and not end up no longer breathing. Look on YouTube black carry vs White carry. Watch “Central Park Karen” and then talk to me about Emmitt Till. Lets talk about Dylann Roof and his burgers during questioning after shooting up a church. Or james Holmes who shot up a movie theater as just two under privlege who lived to stand trail. Someone said then did Jeffery Dahmer have white privilege (first you had to go back to serial killer to try to find a point and second watch the documentaries read the stories media describes him as attractive before they get into what he did then look up Roanoke reporter and photojournalist murder. Vestor lee Vestor lee Flanagan is described as misogynistic and other negative adjectives. Hell go back and hear about Dylann. Its the little things you start to notice Ahmaud Arbery wasn’t even stopped by police he was followed and shot over a goddamn citizens arrest just like Trevon Martin. We can’t jog, we cant buy skittles, we can’t go to a job interview we can’t reach for our wallets we can’t reach for our gun permit. We don’t get the benefit of the doubt no matter what social or economical status we hold. This current president said out of his mouth while president you know how you hold there heads when you put them in the car?, Don’t worry about people in custody hitting their heads on squad cars. Three total officers held down George Floyd you telling me a human being pinned to the ground by three while handcuffed, one of which is on his neck FOR OVER SEVEN MINUTES you can’t get your god damn knee off his neck when he’s pleading he can’t breathe? When onlookers begged that you take his pulse, when someone who witnessed said she was a nurse and offered to just take his pulse. No you kneel minutes more on his neck then drag his lifeless body to a stretcher to try to tell us he died later in the hospital (mind you he stopped moving/talking four minutes in). I’ve seen the its one bad apple not the whole tree… white privilege is having that to be able to say because wouldn’t that apple to black and brown people? Shouldn’t it be assumed that any unarmed person is definitely not a threat to armed officers? Michael Brown jr. unarmed was a threat to an officer inside a squad car (Darren Wilson) the cop in the squad car described 18yr Micheal Brown jr. as a superhuman Demon. I get fight or flight feeling every time an officer stops me. My brothers, sisters, cousins and people of color do not have the guarantee that a simple stop will not end deadly you can find clips of white folks pulled over for some infraction, or carrying automatic rifles walking neighborhoods, more recently walking with those into state buildings that have no cares in the world berate police face to face and still know they will go home and sleep peacefully. Robert Bowers shot up a synagogue and was arrested Philando Castile reached for his permit. I’m tired of being tired, tired of explaining to people that know me that I am not exempt from what happened to any of these black men when police stop me or my brother, my cousins, my father, my nephews, my close friends. This sucks and it seems to not matter how peaceful the protest, we do that wrong too. -Vonte

I’m Numb to Police on Black Violence


(before we start please excuse what grammatical errors I may have missed I suffer from dyslexia)

As a black man I am ashamed to say that, I heard the news about Alton Sterling this morning just as most of us did, I didn’t really have a reaction hell it wasn’t until later in the day I actually saw the video. I feel ashamed because I shouldnt be numb to it, I should want to talk about it. Part of me not reacting is maybe I’m tired seeing it, aren’t you? Is it not sad?.. Disappointing?

There is no Police lives matter movement and you know why?  Because there doesn’t need to be, there is no all lives matter movement, because you all don’t truly feel that way, if all live matter than solders of the islamic state, theyre lives matter too. I have said this before and I do again with all due respect police do not fight a war not here in America, police clock in and out like you and me there needs to be some type of anger management daily for police everywhere, and as an officer if you’re not in the mood or right frame of mind then please don’t go to work, but you must stop taking it out on us.

Black Lives matter refers to the unarmed men and women dying at the hands of police. Need I remind you they captured Dylan Roof ( S.C. church shooter), they captured James Holmes (C.O. movie theater shooter) mass murderers captured alive but unarmed Eric Garner was killed, Freddie Gray killed, Alton brown clearly pinned on the ground by two officers killed. Fuck you and Ray Lewis and all other idiots that say black lives need to matter to black people, we aren’t the only people with issues, lives also need to matter to the drug dealer at your children’s school that provides your children with social drugs they overdose on, do not need, and clearly do not understand, to the white supremacy hate groups that even hate white people of a certain religion (so you can be white but can not have another religion) Ray Lewis needs to make a video to his collegaes about domestic violence and arent you alleged to have stabbed some one? This movement is for unarmed black people in police custody dying (not actively shooting or returning fire from police). As of today there are questions about wether or not Alton had a gun, that is fine it will come out either way but in the video it sure wasn’t pointed at anyone it sure wasn’t in his hand in the video he is on the ground two police on top of him when he is shot looks like the second cop was startled unaware and had to move out of the way, that is an execution there is no return of fire or control of the situation on Alton’s side as it seems at the time he was shot. The officer described Michael Brown (Ferguson MO. unarmed  victim as a “gorilla” I believe I heard, I also heard as a child holding onto Hulk Hogan) this is a police officer 6’4 210 lbs and in his vehicle vs an 18yr old man 6’4 292 and most importantly unarmed.

Listen I’m not asking you to care, I almost had no reaction but if you don’t agree there is a problem then I am telling you to shut the fuck up, stay in your world that is fine, just don’t post for help when something happens to someone in your family, I don’t want to hear about your issues so call whom you need to notifiy directly because that like these past situatuions have nothing directly to do with me the differnce though is I see the problem.

lastly let me say… I had no reaction because I am sick of it, I didn’t want to talk about it because it should not occur so often, hell so often in just a year. I was numb to it because I am scared and not noticing it means I can pretend it doesn’t happen. Unfortunately I am constantly reminded that for my skin tone that just isn’t true. So please if for some reason you don’t see it, or just don’t get it, ask someone who does before you speak and if you don’t care at all then stay the fuck out of the discussion. There damn sure deserves to be a movement, and if these men and women dying in police custody weren’t black, if they were your brother, sister, father etc. Turn on Cops, TMZ, or go to YouTube and see people of all colors resisting arrest, some even armed so why are we dying. -Vonte


I’m Not Going To Say Much

I cannot say much about lasts nights decision not to indict officer Darren Wilson, I didn’t really expect much and I apologize but you were fooling yourself if you did. I was told and have often heard repeated that if you don’t have anything good to say don’t say anything at all and I believed that also applies to the truth, as I listened to the report to hear that there were 65 different versions of what happened I wonder if that applied to anyone there?

Sounds harsh right? To say you were fooling yourself if you expected much but this situation didn’t even have a proper chance for fairness on either side before people not involved started to protest and in effect riot. I didn’t expect much because the officer was white and Michael Brown black. And lastly because it was officer versus black teen. However you wanted to view this to expect justice for the parents of Micheal Brown was only hopeful as best.

It brings me great sadness to know we give so much power to our police and elected officials yet we can’t get over these original views of a few who felt as well as those who still feel that ethnicity is still not equal to equality. I didn’t know Micheal Brown, nor did I know Trayvon Martin what I do know believe is many of our laws need to be updated for the times but after we at least admit that by race or even by sex we are not always treated equal.

I must say in school it made so much sense that we separate church from state yet so many politicians run on behalf of religion and it’s always the version they believe. It made so much sense to me when I was a child that police were there to protect and serve and then I heard of stop and frisk and before that realized how each of us half to become our own lawyers when pulled over for unknown reasons and after all the hassle but before you are let go to finally to hear you were pulled over because you didn’t signal, or swerved some imaginary line. I wish more people in power cared about things that mattered to those less fortunate than me because while I am not well off by far I will survive because I don’t expect much of anything…. I want to go on about this topic but I promised I wouldn’t say much so As I reach out to those who care to read this I don’t want you to to riot now, just give the Brown family some much needed privacy. Go home. -Vonte

This Is All They Will Remember


I don’t plan to talk about the case or investigation there of in this post with the exception of this one thing “it makes me happy and sad at the same time that they haven’t seemed to find anything negative to spin about this young man”. I want to speak in general and sadly enough with a subject like this I can, as people we have to get our youth under control I don’t pretend to know if the initial protest was organized or not but the image above is the one that will be remembered by people on either side of the argument even if not really affected by the situation. I can only assume (as I do not know them) that the family of Michael Brown never wanted looting and riots only answers but it only takes a few to mess it up for the whole, and it hurts that when called upon we as people usually fail. There needs to be a conversation with every knuckle head from someone who knows them with a clear head to say “there is not a time for that, pass it on” responding with looting and violence will guarantee our answers will have to wait, it will give them time and reason to cover up what they will and hell it is just not how you respond. That’s your home and because you felt this was the opportune time (no police presence) you busted into your moms room and ransacked the place for material things. And on the other side.

Police violence… Who are police? We don’t vote for them they’re not elected officials they fill out an application, take a test, and go thru an academy, that should scare everybody. Do you realize how many people with issues get jobs they shouldn’t have make it thru all the steps and don’t show crazy till they have the job? Think of places you’ve worked people that slipped thru. I think cops need to study psychiatry and be evaluated by a psychiatrist often. I think they need to be held to higher non-lethal standards. police should not be allowed to use lethal force unless being physically fired upon not based on what they thought they saw. I can’t be a genius and so can only assume that maybe non-lethal is highly expensive but must cost the citizens way less then the investigations into wrong police wrong doings and the outcomes there of. -Vonte