I Can’t Tell You Which Lie Hurts Worst

freddie gray

(before we start please excuse what grammatical errors I may have missed I suffer from dyslexia)


I’ve tried to stay away from the blog but crazy shit just keeps happening. So this time I need you to tell me why my vote actually matters, and I need you to make your point so that I can understand it. I’m going to talk about a couple of topics,  just bear with me here.

Before I go into my vote let me say this about the third and believed to be the most possible suspect in the Freddie Gray Murder/ sorry death in custody case. When you drop you child off at the bus stop they are at the care of the school district, god forbid let there be an accident. Now Freddie Gray was no child and this was no school, but this man was in police custody, in a police van and so far 3 of the six involved will not face charges.

Okay let me talk about my vote because you tell me it matters, I hear it so often,  as I understand it votes are first rated by what neighborhood, district, city then state you reside.  for instance I lived in the City of Chicago went to a downtown voting station because it was convenient, I worked downtown at this is still in the city of Chicago. Nope couldn’t vote there not my district. I go elsewhere do my diligence and the results come out, not enough people from the district that could evoke a change, do  ( because they anticipate your areas majority vote, unless there is a huge change your state votes the way it always did  and only gets a certain amount of delegates). So say a person like Trump becomes the nominee. Okay this I can get over, maybe more people just turned out to vote, then you hear about Super delegates, (sounds straight out of a comic book) lets say someone had those locked in before the campaign even began, so fight as you may other candidates this person pretty much won. Wait finally tell me why one of the leading candidates at the time, leading in all poles for that side came out and said out of their own mouth “the system is corrupt” you are in the lead sir what problems might there be?


Aright so screw all of that right? Lets talk gun control, the house democrats hosted a sit in (let me hold back my excitement for them making a difference) this sit-in was just to get a vote not guaranteeing either side of the argument just a conversation about, at best and the rest of the house walked out and started vacation. There may never be a change to our gun laws because of our 2nd amendment rights and what people believe, but why are citizens allowed to be more heavily armed than the average beat cop who is supposed to protect our streets? What was the old folks sit-in supposed to accomplish? These fools even turned off the cameras, sounds like game over to me.

So let me get this straight unless I and many others like me move to a state where there aren’t enough of me my vote doesn’t really matter for the presidential races, then you tell me change who represents my state “they are what matters” well those people can’t even get all their other co workers to come in to work for a vote, and until they are caught red-handed who keeps them honest these folks get contributions and gifts (add that and their earnings are similar to that of athlete salaries) all while in office, who’s to say it’s not for a favor later on? And where the hell do I vote for the super delegates?. Lastly when the hell did church and state become the same? and who’s church are we following?  So I ask you to explain to me in a way I can understand (because I am dyslexic) how my vote matters? Mind you I have to break everything down to store it in my head, it has to make sense for me and right now I don’t even understand how it makes sense to you.

So which lie is worst that my vote matters? or that there is equal justice? -Vonte





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